Life-History Characteristics of the Endangered Salish Sucker & Their Implications for Management
We studied growth, condition, spawning period, activity patterns, and movement in the Salish Suckers of Pepin Brook in British Columbia’s Fraser Valley. Radio- telemetry showed that fish were crepuscular, had home ranges averaging 170 m of linear channel, made their longest movements during the spawning period (March to early July), and rarely crossed beaver dams. Relative to closely related catosto- mids, Salish Suckers are small, early maturing, and have a prolonged spawning pe- riod. These characteristics are likely to impart good resilience to short-term distur- bances of limited spatial scale and to facilitate successful reintroductions to suitable habitat. The chronic, large-scale disruptions that affect their habitat in Canada, how- ever, are likely to cause further extirpations over time. Given its limited geographic distribution, management of the Salish Sucker should focus on protecting all re- maining habitat and exploiting opportunities for habitat restoration and reintroduc- tion into suitable habitats throughout their historic range.