Catostomus cf. catostomus

Identification Tips:

•Mouth on bottom of head with fleshy lips
•Dorsal fin: 9-10 soft rays
Flanks turn red during spawning season, especially in males.

•Adult Salish suckers may be confused with juvenile Largescale suckers
•Largescale have longer dorsal fin with 12-13 soft rays

Conservation Status:

British ColumbiaCanadaNatureserve
COSEWICSpecies at Risk Act
Red ListEndangeredThreatenedG1, S2

Information Source: BC Conservation Data Centre:

Life History:

•A genetically distinct, dwarf form of Longnose Sucker
•Small stream specialist
•Home range is typically <200 m of channel in summer, but may migrate several km to spawn •Breeds between April and July •Mature in 3rd year and live to 5 years. •Maximum size is approximately 22 cm for males and 26 cm for females


•Ponds and pools in small streams, wetlands and slough channels, often beaver ponds.
•Adults and yearlings prefer water depth >70 cm
•Juveniles in first summer found in shallower water with abundant vegetation
•Spawn in gravel riffles or groundwater upwellings


British Columbia
•Found only in Fraser Valley
•Known from: Little Campbell River, Bertrand Creek, Fishtrap Creek, Pepin Creek, Salmon River, Salwein Creek, Hopedale Slough, Hope Slough/Elk Creek, Mountain Slough, Agassiz Slough, Miami River, Atchelitz Creek, Semmihault Creek, Luckakuck Creek, Little Chilliwack Creek and Chawathil

•Fraser Valley in Canada
•Tributaries of Puget Sound and Olympic Peninsula in Washington State


•Member of Chehalis fauna: a group of freshwater fishes isolated from all other freshwater fish populations for up to 1 million years in Chehalis River (Washington) during glaciation.

Primary Information Source:
McPhail, J.D. 2007. The Freshwater Fishes of British Columbia. University of Alberta Press. Edmonton, Alberta.