Using Recovery Science and Recovery Action in Mutual Support: a Case Study of Habitat Restoration for the Salish Sucker
Resource Category: Habitat Restoration
Confluence Pool Construction Notes
- A qualified environmental consultant must be on site daily to oversee works and meet with machine operators prior to excavation to review plans and methods.
- Stop nets to be installed upstream and downstream of the work area. A fish salvage must be conducted by an ecotrofishing-certified crew in accordance with DFO and BC FLNRO approved guidelines for salvage of Salish sucker.
- All machinery must be mechanically sounds to avoid oil, fuel or grease from entering water and use environmentally friendly hydraulic fluid.
- Swamp pads will be used to access the floodplain.
- Floating silt curtains will be installed to isolate the work site from flow.
- Erosion control fencing is to be installed as necessary, and exposed soils will be seeded with fall rye as soon as possible to avoid sediment entry to the watercourse. Work will cease if rain significantly increases watercourse discharge.
- Pool will be excavated to elevation of existing stream invert. Existing stream bed will not be touched.
- Large woody debris will securely anchored unless on high ground in the riparian area_ Logs with branches or root wads will be installed out of the main current in the back eddy areas.
- Spoil is to be side cast and contoured into the existing slope.
- South and west edge of the constructed pool to be planted at an average density of 2 trees and 4 shrubs per 10 m2, in accordance with the planting plan.
- Pads to be constructed of compacted woody debris and mud spoil. Root wads and logs to protrude from pad perimeter into channel.