Resource Type: Pearson Ecological Publication
Resource Category: Nooksack Dace / Salish Sucker

Habitat Inventory and Enhancement Needs for Salish Sucker and Nooksack Dace

Author/Source: Pearson Ecological

The purpose of this study is to inventory the extent and condition of habitat in the Canadian streams in which Salish sucker and Nooksack dace occur, and to identify and prioritize restoration needs based on available life history information for both species.

Appendix 2 contains desscriptions and data for each reach of Cave, Bertrand, Pepin, and Fishtrap Creeks surveyed during the summer of 1997. In addition specific habitat enhancement needs for each reach are identified and prioritized. The document is intended to provide fine-scale baseline information from which to assess habitat changes over time and to provide a basis for prioritizing specific projects.